Home Protection & Defensible Space

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Grayback provides protection for homes, commercial buildings, and vegetation when wildfires descend upon communities. Applying fire suppressant gel and class A foams to pretreat homes, buildings and vegetation for protection against advancing wildfires.  

When strategically applied gel and foam provide a long-lasting barrier against flames and burning embers. These products are much more effective than just plain water for protection against fire. We use fire engines and tactical tenders to apply products.

We sell 5-gallon home kits for the homeowner to apply themselves prior to an evacuation order. Each kit comes with 5-gallon containers along with an aspirating nozzle. You just hook up to a regular garden hose then apply on building. The gel sticks to the building providing a wet barrier that greatly enhances chances of surviving a wildfire. Contact us for more info.

Gel Application

Gel Application